SOLD Egyptian Shipwreck Tetradrachm Pendant. Please explore our Egyptian Shipwreck Category for Similar Items.

Item #4765
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  • Obverse: Ptolemy 1st
  • Reverse: Eagle on Thunderbolt
  • Date: 74 - 73 BC. Grade: Very Fine
  • Mint: Alexandria, Egypt
  • Silver Tetradrachm Coin in 14k Gold Pendant, Weight 17.8g
  • Framed Coin Size: 27mm Diameter, with 6mm Bail Opening for Necklace
  • Size Chart with mm to inches Conversions


This is a genuine silver tetradrachm coin recovered from an ancient Egyptian galley, that was sailing (or rowing) its way northward, along the Mediterranean shore, just west of present day Israel. The ship sank as it neared the ancient Phoenician port of Ashkelon. This treasure was salvaged by divers in the early 2000’s, and the latest coins from this shipwreck date to 74 - 73 BC, based on the reigning year of Ptolemy 12th, Greek King of Egypt 80 - 51 BC. He was the last King of Egypt and was succeeded by his daughter Cleopatra 7th, last Queen of Egypt, last of the Ptolemaic Dynasty and lover of Julius Caesar and Marc Antony.
The obverse of this coin features Ptolemy 1st, friend of Alexander the Great and one of his best generals. When Alexander's Empire was divided, Ptolemy settled in Egypt, ancient breadbasket of civilization, home of 25 dynasties and 3,200 years of recorded history. The Greeks would assimilate into Egyptian culture and the Ptolemies would rule Egypt for 3 centuries. The reverse side of this coin features an eagle on a thunderbolt, which was a symbol of the god Zeus.
This ancient coin was minted in Alexandria, a city founded by and named after Alexander the Great in 334 BC. It remained Egypt's capital for nearly a thousand years. Alexandria was destined to remain one of the world's most important cities and was famous for its Lighthouse and the Library of Alexandria.

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